Friday, June 15, 2012


 Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, Paternal bond, and the influence of fathers in society. 

Here in the Philippines we celebrate FATHER'S DAY every 3rd Sunday of June. 

I am still looking for a gift for my father, I cannot think of anything that can make him happy.  Since I was born my father is the only bread winner of our family.  He provides all of my needs, since I am the only child, he made it possible he can give me the best of everything. 

What are the things that my father gave me?

  • my LIFE
  • my JOY
  • my FUTURE 

Knowing that my father is the only MAN in my LIFE.  My constant companion, my mentor and  my first professor.  I am not talking about parental love or material keepsakes.  I mean here the guidance and expectations that help shape, form and prepare me for life.

During my 18th Bday

 I was taught to always say please and always say thank you. To stand up when introduced to someone. To look people in the eye and make sure your handshake is firm.

 I was taught to be courteous and civil: Don’t interrupt others when they’re talking. Take your hat off in the house. Offer your seat to older people and women in a crowded room or on the bus/jeepneys. Hold the door open for the person behind.
As a family, we're all in this together.  My father will always say to me, Never to disgrace us.  Remember who you are and who you represent.  For GOD sake, don't get your name in the newspaper for negative purposes.  

My father gave me more than just rules to follow.

During my daughter's recognition

As I grew older,  his instructions became my advice:

Think for yourself. Remember that the world doesn’t owe you a living. Be polite but demand the same in return. Respect is something that is earned, not automatically given by virtue of wealth or standing. Be fair and loyal to your employer but it has to flow both ways.

The list goes on.  If some of it suggests a stern personality.  It's only a partial picture of a man.  And that is my FATHER.

Well the perfect gift I can give my father is my BIG THANK YOU and my BIG HUG,  for without him I will not become a strong woman now.

TO ALL FATHER'S out there....




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